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The UK’s Homes for Ukraine scheme: a model for the future?

By Krish Kandiah, Sanctuary Foundation, via Forced Migration Review,
Tens of thousands of people in the UK have opened their homes to Ukrainians. An examination of this historic welcome offers important insights for future schemes aimed at helping refugee groups and vulnerable people. After the invasion of Ukraine, the UK was at the forefront of countries…

Immigration Health Surcharge to increase on 16 January 2024

By Helena Sheizon, Kadmos Consultants,
[Update by EIN, 18 January 2024: The Immigration (Health Charge) (Amendment) Order 2024 was made on 16th January 2024 and comes into force 21 days later, which means that the Immigration Health Surcharge will increase on 6th February 2024] Draft statutory instrument now laid before…

Are Stateless Claimants Disadvantaged Within Asylum Procedures? New Evidence from the UK Context

By Thomas McGee, PhD researcher at the Peter McMullin Centre on Statelessness (Melbourne Law School),
This blog post introduces new research, conducted as part of the #StatelessJourneys project, into the challenges faced by stateless claimants within asylum procedures in the UK context. The study focuses on the experiences of stateless Kurds from Syria in the UK, revealing hurdles related…

What's happening with the Afghan relocation legal challenges?

By Ben Amunwa, Law mostly,
Under legal pressure, the UK government has reversed its policy requiring at-risk Afghans seeking relocation to the UK to first obtain suitable accommodation. This post outlines the background and provides an overview of the current legal challenges afoot. This post provides an update on…

Sexual diversity and the Nationality and Borders Act 2022

By Alex Powell and Raawiyah Rifath, Legal Studies journal,
Abstract In this short piece we focus on two of the main changes brought in by the recent Nationality and Borders Act 2022 with a focus on sexually diverse claimants: inadmissibility and the increased standard of proof. The recent changes have a negative impact on all asylum seekers but…

Good Character Requirement changes for Naturalisation

By OTB Legal,
On the 31st July 2023, the Home Office published new guidance in relation to the good character requirement for Naturalisation applications. This new guidance took immediate effect and was published with the government first giving notice of the changes on the 30th July 2023. The new…

Migrant Instrumentalisation: Facts and Fictions

By Aleksandra Jolkina, Verfassungsblog,
Realities On the Ground at the EU-Belarus Border Recent years have seen an increase in the violation of asylum-seeker rights in the EU, including through so-called pushbacks. These practices have typically not been authorised by domestic legislation and have been denied or concealed by…

Immigration lawyer’s tips on how to find a sponsor in the UK

By Helena Sheizon, Kadmos Consultants,
Immigration lawyers hear the same question day in and day out: "can you help me to find a sponsor"? Unfortunately, you have to find the sponsor yourself. But we can give you helpful tips on how to go about it. Tip # 1 First of all, the sponsor is the business which will be willing to…

About the guest blog

  EIN's guest blog is intended as a platform where we gather together some of the best of immigration law blogging.

And it is a platform where you are welcome to post your opinions, commentary or analysis on immigration and asylum law.

Creating a blog post. Image credit: pixelcreatures @ Pixabay

Blogging on EIN is a way of ensuring your opinions are available to read on one of the UK's leading immigration law websites.


The EIN guest blog is provided for information purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice.

Any views expressed in the EIN guest blog are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of EIN.

The publication of posts from, or links to, other organisations and companies on the EIN guest blog does not constitute an endorsement or approval by EIN of the organisation or company, nor their products or services.