Expertise on religion and politics in a number of African, Asian and Latin American countries - and in a number of languages. Current research includes China (Tibet), Chile, Brazil, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Argentina, DRC, Uganda, Kenya, Zambia, South Africa, Malawi and Zimbabwe; Libya and Syria
QUALIFICATIONS: BA, MA, STB, MA, PhD (Social Anthropology)
SPECIFIC EXPERTISE: Religion and Politics traversing regions of Africa, Asia and Latin America, including specific research expertise on FGM.
EXPERIENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS: UNESCO and UNHCR. Expert reports for ODII (Washington, DC) and the Catholic Church.
COUNTRIES VISITED: Burundi, Chile, DRC, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda.
Has produced more than 30 expert reports.
1. Women's Organizing Abilities: Two Case Studies in Kenya and Malawi, with Laurel Birch de Aguilar. Washington, DC: ODII, 85 pp., 1993.
2. Ministry to Social and Religious Outcasts in Africa. Eldoret, Kenya: AMECEA Gaba Publications, 91 pp., 1995.
3. Dios en Africa: Elementos para una Antropología de la Religión. Estella, Navarra (Spain): Editorial Verbo Divino, pp. 143 pp., 1997.
4. Being Oromo in Kenya. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, 273 pp., 1998.
5. The Rwanda Genocide and the Call to Deepen Christianity in Africa. Eldoret, Kenya: AMECEA Gaba Publications, 101 pp., 1998.
6. The Politics of Age and Gerontocracy in Africa: Ethnographies of the Past and Memories of the Present, ed. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, 302 pp., 1998.
7. Recent Advances and Issues in Anthropology. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 256 pp., 2000.
8. Current Issues on Theology and Religion in Latin America and Africa. Lewiston, N.Y. and Lampeter, U.K.: Edwin Mellen Press, 280 + xv pp., 2002.
9. A Social History of the Catholic Church in Chile Vol. I: The First Period of the Pinochet Government 1973-1980. Lewinston, New York, Queenston, Ontario and Lampeter, Wales: Edwin Mellen Press, 2004, 302 pp. Winner of the Adele Mellen Prize 2004
10. Anthropology and Biblical Studies: Avenues of Approach, edited with L.J. Lawrence. Leiden: Deo Publishing, 324 pp., 2004.
11. A Social History of the Catholic Church in Chile Vol. II: The Archbishop Cardinal Raúl Silva Henríquez. Lewinston, New York, Queenston, Ontario and Lampeter, Wales: Edwin Mellen Press, 364 pp. 2006.
12. A Social History of the Catholic Church in Chile Vol. III: The Second Period of the Pinochet Government 1980-1990. Lewinston, New York, Queenston, Ontario and Lampeter, Wales: Edwin Mellen Press, 2006.
13. Rethinking Age in Africa: Colonial, Postcolonial and Contemporary Interpretations of Cultural Representations, ed. Trenton, N.J.: Africa World Press, 2007.
14. The History and Politics of Latin American Theology, vol. I: The Problem of Theological Generations. London: SCM Press, 2007.
15. The History and Politics of Latin American Theology, vol. II: Theology and Civil Society. London: SCM Press, 2008.
16. The History and Politics of Latin American Theology, vol. III: A Theology of the Periphery. London: SCM Press, 2008.
17. Contemplating God, Changing the World. London: SPCK, 2008.
18. Theology, Liberation, Genocide: A Theology of the Periphery. London: SCM Press, 2009.
19. The Politics of God in East Africa: Oromo Ritual and Religion. Trenton, N.J.: Africa World Press, 2009.
20. Oromia and East Africa in the 21st Century: Shifting Paradigms towards Religious and Political Diversity. Santiago, London and New York: Fundación Literaria Civilización, 2010.
21. The Historiography of the Chilean Commission on Prison and Torture 2003-2009. Santiago, London and New York: Fundación Literaria Civilización, 2010.
22. The Historiography of the Patio 29: General Cemetery Santiago, Chile 1973-2009. Santiago, London and New York: Fundación Literaria Civilización, 2010.
23. Identification of Human Remains (N.N.) at Patio 29, General Cemetery Santiago, Chile, December 2009. Santiago, London and New York: Fundación Literaria Civilización, 2010.
24. Identification of Human Remains (N.N.) at Patio 29 General Cemetery Santiago, Chile, August 2010. Santiago, London and New York: Fundación Literaria Civilización, 2010.
25. Burials and Memory of the GAP in Chile during September 2010: Historiography in Chile's Bicentenary. Santiago, London and New York: Fundación Literaria Civilización, 2010.
26. Political Transitions and Human Rights Violations in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC): The Period after the Congo Wars 2003-2011. Santiago, London and New York: Fundación Literaria Civilización, 2011.
27. Identification of Human Remains (N.N.) at Chihuío (Panguipulli), Chile, July 2011. Santiago, London and New York: Fundación Literaria Civilización, 2011.
28. Identification of Human Remains (N.N.) at Patio 29, General Cemetery, Santiago, Chile, March 2011. Santiago, London and New York: Fundación Literaria Civilización, 2011.
29. Terrorist Reporting in the Swedish Media: Reinforcing an Oriental/Occidental Division? With Therese Rudebeck. Series Current Issues in Religion and Politics volume I – Working Papers of the Centre for the Study of Religion and Politics (CSRP), University of St. Andrews. St. Andrews: CSRP and Santiago, London and New York: Fundación Literaria Civilización, 2011.
30. Female Genital Mutilation in the Sudan: The Complexities of Eradication. With Iben Merrild. Series Current Issues in Religion and Politics volume II – Working Papers of the Centre for the Study of Religion and Politics (CSRP), University of St. Andrews. St. Andrews: CSRP and Santiago, London and New York: Fundación Literaria Civilización, 2011.
Further publications should go to the university research page at: https://risweb.st-andrews.ac.uk/portal/da/persons/mario-i-aguilar(0ade57fc-1cc5-43cd-a04a-0a17c0351875).html