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Asylum Aid: Permission granted for judicial review challenging delays in asylum decision making


Legal challenge arguing Home Office delays are unlawful will now progress to a full hearing

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Asylum Aid posted some significant news on X (formerly Twitter) yesterday to say that permission has been granted for a judicial review to challenge Home Office delays in asylum decision making.

Image credit: UK GovernmentThe legal challenge sees Asylum Aid arguing that the long delays and the failure to provide reliable time frames for a decision are unlawful and a breach human rights law.

As Asylum Aid notes, the challenge could potentially lead to substantial changes in the asylum system that would benefit 10,000s of people.

The full thread on X is here. For non-users of X, we've reproduced it below:

"Asylum Aid is taking on one of the biggest problems in the UK asylum system – delays in decision making on asylum claims.

"As of June, 106,543 asylum seekers have been waiting more than 6 months for an initial decision on their claim. Some have waited for as long as 5 years.

"These delays are hugely damaging for Survivors of extreme human cruelty.

"It places them in immigration limbo with no right to work or claim vital welfare benefits, and with poor access to healthcare and safe, appropriate accommodation.

"We are now challenging these delays through a judicial review on behalf of a Survivor of human cruelty from Cote d'Ivoire.

"He had to wait over 4 years for a decision on his asylum claim while battling severe mental health problems caused by his traumatic experiences.

"Asylum Aid is arguing that the Home Office is acting unlawfully by failing to comply with their obligations to make asylum decisions as soon as possible and to provide reliable time frames for a decision, amounting to a breach of our client's human rights.

"We have now achieved a major breakthrough.

"Our client was granted permission for judicial review on all grounds, meaning that the Tribunal believes the case is arguable. Our challenge will now progress to a full hearing.

"We are arguing that the Home Office has failed, not only in this case but across the board, to provide a system which enables timely asylum decisions and provision of realistic time estimates for decisions.

"Our case could drive substantial changes in the asylum system that would benefit 10,000s of people.

"Asylum Aid's vision is that all people who come to the UK in need of protection from persecution obtain it, and are treated fairly and with dignity."

The charity also reminded people that donations can be made to support its work via its website.