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Home Office confirms it will not lift the ban that prevents asylum seekers from working


Government responds to Lift the Ban coalition's campaign and 2018 report following a review

Date of Publication:

In a statement to the House of Commons today, the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Justice and Tackling Illegal Migration has confirmed that the Home Office will not lift the ban that prevents asylum seekers from working.

Lift the Ban imageTom Pursglove MP said the Government is keeping the current asylum seeker right to work policy with no further changes.

Since 2018, the 250-member strong Lift the Ban coalition led by Refugee Action has been campaigning to overturn the right to work policy. As we reported on EIN last year, the coalition argued that allowing asylum seekers to work could benefit the UK economy by almost £100 million per year.

The Home Office conducted a review following the Lift the Ban coalition's original October 2018 report, but today rejected the coalition's figures as being overly optimistic.

Tom Pursglove said in today's statement: "In light of wider priorities to fix the broken asylum system, reduce pull factors to the UK, and ensure our policies do not encourage people to undercut the resident labour force, we are retaining our asylum seeker right to work policy with no further changes."

Refugee Action responded on Twitter: "This statement supposedly ends the 3 year review into giving people seeking asylum the right to work with a nonsensical 'no'. Unsure why it took 3 years to write 600 words entirely missing the point. Needless to say, we'll keep fighting to #LiftTheBan."

The full statement by Tom Pursglove, the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Justice and Tackling Illegal Migration, follows below:

"Following the October 2018 publication of the Lift the Ban coalition's report into asylum seeker right to work policy, which concluded that amending the policy could generate £42m per year for the Government, the former Home Secretary – Sajid Javid – committed to a review. Today I would like to announce the findings of that review.

"For clarity, current asylum seeker right to work policy allows asylum seekers to apply for permission to work if a decision on their asylum claim has been outstanding for 12 months or more, where the delay is no fault of their own. If granted permission to work, asylum seekers may then apply for jobs on the Shortage Occupation List.

"Lift the Ban's report recommended relaxing policy to allow asylum seekers to work after six months, with no restrictions on access to the labour market such as limiting eligible jobs to the Shortage Occupation List. In July 2020, a follow-up to their 2018 report was published with the same policy recommendation but with updated estimated benefits to the Government of £98m per year. A further update in summer 2021 revised this further upwards to £180.8m per year.

"The Home Office has carried out a comprehensive review of the Lift the Ban report; however, our evidence indicates the assumptions underpinning the recommendations are highly optimistic. Having considered a wide range of available evidence the Home Office believes that a more realistic set of assumptions would present a more nuanced picture. In particular, the Home Office believes that a more realistic set of assumptions would consider the following:

"• demographic characteristics (such as family groupings and likelihood of care responsibilities impacting access to the labour market)
• how employment rates for migrant groups tend to increase gradually over time
• the propensity for part time employment
• the likelihood that any employment is more likely to be close to the minimum or living wage rather than the UK median wage.

"In addition, a significant proportion of the fiscal benefits calculated by Lift the Ban are predicated on an assumption that once asylum seekers are granted access to the workforce they will no longer require financial support. The Home Office believes that given the likelihood for part time and insecure employment this benefit is unlikely to fully materialise. This is because it expects that the administrative cost associated with moving asylum seekers on and off support as they cycle through periods of employment and support will be substantial.

"The Home Office has therefore concluded that the fiscal benefits arising from a relaxation of the right to work policy are likely to be significantly lower than the figures claimed by Lift the Ban. In light of wider priorities to fix the broken asylum system, reduce pull factors to the UK, and ensure our policies do not encourage people to undercut the resident labour force, we are retaining our asylum seeker right to work policy with no further changes.

"It is key this policy continues to protect our immigration system from those lodging unfounded asylum claims in an attempt to avoid work visa rules, particularly at a time when dangerous journeys made by small boat are increasing.

"Ultimately we must ensure asylum claims are considered without unnecessary delay. Our resources are therefore better deployed to pursuing an ongoing programme of transformation and system improvement initiatives that will speed up decision making, reducing the time individuals spend in the system awaiting an interview or decision.

"We recognise there are extraordinary circumstances affecting certain parts of the labour market at present. In response to these, we are offering time-limited visas to 4,700 HGV drivers in the food supply chain, 5,500 poultry workers, and 800 butchers to ease supply chain pressures this year. We will look at how the sectors concerned make use of these routes which were created in response to their requests.

"The Government continues to support industries in solving such issues in the long term through making roles more attractive to UK workers, with better pay and working conditions."

For background information on the right to work policy for asylum seekers, see the House of Commons Library's January 2021 report.