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Notice for EIN members: Unreported decisions of the Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) now available on EIN


Over 10,000 recent unreported decisions now searchable on EIN and more coming soon

Date of Publication:
15 August 2022

Members of EIN should note that unreported decisions of the Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) are now being made available in the case law database.

unreported decisions page on EINYou can access the list of unreported decisions here. The number of unreported decisions on EIN is already over 10,000 and more old decisions will be added over the coming weeks. New decisions will be added as they are released by the Tribunal.

Given the sheer amount of unreported decisions and their lesser status, please note that they are not searched by default when you use the EIN case law search engine. The default search option is set to search the 'Entire case law database (excluding unreported decisions)'. If you want to include unreported decisions in your search, simply change the prominent 'Court level:' select option to 'Entire case law database (including unreported decisions)'.

There are also new court level options to search unreported decisions alone or to search all Immigration Tribunal decisions including (or excluding) unreported decisions.

Unreported decisions are also restricted from appearing in the list of 'More like this' suggestions you see when you view a case on EIN, as otherwise they would dominate given their sheer numbers.

The site-wide EIN search engine (which searches 'everywhere') does include unreported decisions by default (if you are a member of EIN and are signed in).

We believe these are the most sensible default options for most users, but we are keeping this under review and we are happy to hear otherwise from EIN members. You can email any comments or feedback about searching or any other aspect of unreported decisions to

In terms of technicalities, unreported decisions on EIN are automatically generated from the original Word documents without the use of Microsoft Word. This is technically challenging and we have tried as best as we can to ensure that the formatting of unreported decisions is preserved well, including indentation and lists. The results are impressive for most decisions, but perfection is impossible. In order to obtain a perfect copy, you can easily download the original Word document via the prominent link at the top of each unreported decision.

As EIN members will know, unreported decisions cannot be cited without permission. If you need reminding of the rules, see May 2022's Practice Direction of the Immigration and Asylum Chamber of the First-tier Tribunal and December 2018's Practice Directions of the Immigration and Asylum Chambers of the First-tier Tribunal and the Upper Tribunal.