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New Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules to give effect to MM (Lebanon)


Immigration minister Brandon Lewis announces Statement of Changes as Parliament breaks for summer recess

Date of Publication:

As Parliament today breaks for the summer recess, the immigration minister Brandon Lewis has announced a new Statement of Changes in the Immigration Rules, the second of 2017.

Image credit: UK GovernmentYou can read the 22-page Statement of Changes (HC 290) here.

In a short written statement to the Commons, Lewis said the main purpose of the changes is to give effect to the February Supreme Court judgment in MM (Lebanon) and Others on the minimum income requirement for partner visas. In the judgment, the Court ruled that the minimum income requirement is lawful in principle, but can be unlawful in individual cases, such as those involving children.

Brandon Lewis said in today's statement:

"My rt hon Friend the Home Secretary is today laying before the House a Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules (HC 290).

"The purpose of the changes is to give effect to the Supreme Court judgment in MM (Lebanon) & Others, handed down on 22 February 2017.

"The changes, together with changes to the Secretary of State's guidance to decision-makers, are intended to give effect to the judgment's findings in respect of, firstly, the income sources which may be relied upon to meet the minimum income requirement in specified exceptional circumstances; and, secondly, the duty to have regard to the welfare of children under section 55 of the Borders, Citizenship and Immigration Act 2009. They also make other minor amendments and clarifications to the family Immigration Rules."

The changes take effect from 10 August 2017.