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Markus Hoehne

Lecturer at the Institute for Anthropology, University of Leipzig. Conducted in total three years of field research in northern Somalia. Published author and experienced in expert reports on Somalia/Norther Somalia, in particular, northern Somali clans (Isaaq, Darood/Harti, Dir), minorities in (southern) Somalia such as Midgan, Asharaf and Sheikhaal, and issues of health care and mental health.

Markus Hoehne
Lecturer, Institute for Anthropology, University of Leipzig, Germany


MA in Social Anthropology (University of Munich), PhD in Social Anthropology (Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg). Ten years of work and research with the Max-Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle/Saale, Germany


Social anthropological field research in northern Somalia (Somaliland and Puntland):
In total three years between 2002 and 2014. Fluent in colloquial Somali; shorter research visits to Nairobi (Kenya).


conflict, conflict settlement, identity, state formation, war, violence, trauma, transitional justice, diaspora and transnationalism, borders and borderlands.


Yes - over 200 reports, and experience of oral evidence (by phone) before US Courts Most reports have concerned issues of clan identity, the humanitarian situation and conflict dynamics in Somalia/northern Somalia, the validity of certificates and Somali customs/traditions etc. Served as expert in the recent country guidance case and testified in the hearing in February 2014.



Between Somaliland and Puntland: Political dynamics in the contested borderlands (forthcoming in June 2014) Nairobi: RVI.

Somalia zwischen Krieg und Frieden. Strategien der friedlichen Konfliktaustragung auf internationaler und lokaler Ebene. 2002. Arbeiten aus dem Institut für Afrikakunde Bd. 113. Hamburg: Institut für Afrikakunde.

Edited Volumes

The State and the Paradox of Customary Law in Africa (forthcoming), with Olaf Zenker. Farnham: Ashgate.

The effects of ‘statelessness’: Dynamics of Somali politics, economy and society since 1991. 2013. Journal of Eastern African Studies 7(2) (Special Issue).

Borders and borderlands as Resources in the Horn of Africa. 2010, with Dereje Feyissa. London: James Currey.

Milk and peace, drought and war: Somali culture, society and politics (Essays in honour of I.M. Lewis). 2010, with Virginia Luling. London: Hurst. [Rezension 1] [Rezension 2]

Refereed Articles

‘Continuities and changes regarding minorities in Somalia.’ Journal of Ethnic and Racial Studies. 2014

‘Resource conflict and militant Islamism in the Golis Mountains in northern Somalia (2006-2013)' (forthcoming). Review of African Political Economy.

'The impact of civil war and state collapse on the roles of Somali women: a blessing in disguise' (with Mohamed Ingiriis). 2013. Journal of Eastern African Studies 7(2): 314-333.

'Limits of Hybrid Political Orders: The case of Somaliland'. 2013. Journal of Eastern African Studies7(2): 199-217.

'Somali and Ethiopian diasporic engagement for peace in the Horn of Africa' (with Dereje Feyissa und Mahdi Abdile). African Conflict & Peacebuilding Review 1(1): 71-99.

'L’État de facto du Somaliland'. 2010. Politique Africaineno. 120: 175-199.

'Mimesis and mimicry in dynamics of state and identity formation in northern Somalia'. 2009. Africa 79(2): 252-281.

‘Failures of the state failure debate: Evidence from the Somali territories' (with Tobias Hagmann). Journal of International Development 21: 42-57.

'Newspapers in Hargeysa: Freedom of speech in post-conflict Somaliland'. 2008. Africa Spectrum 43(1): 91-114.

'Political identity, emerging state structures and conflict in Northern Somalia'. 2006. Journal of Modern African Studies 44(3): 397-414.

Book Chapters

'Centering Borders and Borderlands: The Evidence from Africa' (forthcoming). In: Benedikt Korn and Timothy Raeymaekers (eds.) Violence in the margins. Basingstoke: Palgrave.

'Al Shabaab in Somalia'. 2012. In: Wolfgang Braumandl-Dujardin and Walter Feichtinger (eds.), Privatisierte Gewalt. Herausforderungen in internationalen Friedensmissionen. Wien: Landesverteidigungsakademie, pp. 83-96.

'Education and peacebuilding in post-conflict Somaliland: the role of the diaspora'. 2011. In: Joschka Philipps, Kerstin Priwitzer and Heribert Weiland (eds) Education in Fragile Contexts. Freiburg i. Br.: Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut 2010 (Freiburger Beiträge zu Entwicklung und Politik), pp. 75-103.

'Somalia zwischen Bürgerkrieg und Hungerkatastrophe'. 2011. Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik 9/2011, pp. 21-24.

'State Borders and Borderlands as Resources: An Analytical Framework'. 2010 (with Dereje Feyissa). In: Dereje Feyissa and Markus Hoehne (eds.), Borders and borderlands as Resources in the Horn of Africa. London: James Currey, pp. 1-25.

'People and Politics along and across the Somaliland-Puntland Border'. 2010. In: Dereje Feyissa and Markus  Hoehne (eds.) Borders and borderlands as Resources in the Horn of Africa. London: James Currey, pp. 97-121.

'Political representation in Somalia: citizenship, clanism and territoriality'. 2010. In: Mark Bradbury and Sally Healy (eds.) Accord 21: Whose peace is it anyway? connecting Somali and international peacemaking, pp. 34-37.

Online Publications

‘Counter-terrorism in Somalia, or: how external interferences helped to produce militant Islamism.’ Published online on 17 December 2009 (

'Puntland and Somaliland clashing in northern Somalia: Who cuts the Gordian knot?' 2007. Published online on 07 November 2007 (

German (native) English (excellent) Somali (fluent)
Ethnic groups expertise
Northern Somali clans (Isaaq, Darood/Harti, Dir) Asharaf and Sheikhaal
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