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Lys Alcayna-Stevens

The Expert is a socio-cultural anthropologist trained at Cambridge and Harvard universities. She has ten years' experience conducting policy-oriented qualitative and quantitative research on development, health, and environmental issues in central Africa (Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Central African Republic, Republic of Congo, and Uganda), including over 26 months of field-based research in the western and central regions of DRC​. She is fluent in French and Lingala and has extensive experience working with indigenous communities (Batwa, BaAka), and with many other ethnic groups in central Africa, on issues surrounding marginalization, land disputes, and gender-based violence. She has experience working with national, provincial and local institutions, and is on the advisory board for two environmental NGOs which support local communities in DRC. She is currently a Research Fellow in the Anthropology Department of Harvard University.

Lys Alcayna-Stevens
Research Fellow

LGBTQI issues; child abuse; sexual abuse/assault; gender-based violence/domestic violence; child soldiers; forced marriage, FGM/FGC, trafficking; forced conscription/refoulment; ex-combatant reintegration; criminal deportees; Likelihood of destitution or homelessness; land tenure disputes, ethnic, religious, or tribal discrimination or persecution; risk of torture or political persecution; risk from state actors, risk from non-state actors; risk of retaliation; sufficiency of protection; healthcare access; health systems capacity; HIV/AIDS; mental illness


Kelly, J. Kabanga, J. Cragin, W. Alcayna-Stevens, L. Haider, S. Vanrooyen, M.J. 2011. ‘”If your husband doesn’t humiliate you, other people won’t”: Gendered attitudes towards sexual violence in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo’. Journal of Global Public Health, Jun 9: pp. 1-14. doi: 10.1080/17441692.2011.585344.

French, Lingala, Mongo-Nkundo
Ethnic groups expertise
Mongo, Nkundo, Bongando, Teke, Batwa, BaAka
Other social groups expertise
Indigenous communities
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