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ILPA: EU Settlement Scheme (BIRMINGHAM)

DT 1839 EU Settlement Scheme (BIRMINGHAM)

Tuesday 03 Sep 2019, 15:00, Birmingham
Tutors: Tom Brett-Young, Veale Wasbrough Vizards LLP and Nelson Cifuentes, TRP Solicitors

ILPA are excited to announce a brand new training programme on the EU Settlement Scheme developed in collaboration with the ILPA European working Group. This programme comprises of fourtneen training sessions delivered in seven regions across the UK between June 2019 - December 2019. The programme will be delivered in two parts with the introduction course being delivered June 2019 - September 2019, and the advanced course being delivered November 2019 - December 2019.

This course is a practical session designed to help a caseworker become a pro at using the EU Settlement Scheme. The training will take you through the life cycle of a case using the Android app and will provide you with a detailed overview of the new system and how to effectively navigate it to assist your clients. The materials will cover the law, documents required, red flags and how non EU national family members also apply under the Scheme. There will also be a specific focus on issues impacting those with vulnerabilities who are looking to make applications under the Scheme.

More info and booking

Immigration Law Practitioners' Association (ILPA)
Booking contact details:
020 7251 8383
Booking contact email: