Every immigration lawyer needs to know how to best present applications and claims based on private and family life. There are constant changes and 2024 is no different with recent new Appendices for numerous family life routes and never-ending new case law – not to mention the radical uplift in the new minimum income threshold.
In this course two of the UK’s leading immigration barristers, Adam Pipe and Mark Symes, will discuss the latest thinking on ECHR Art 8 cases, from applications to appeals. The course will include some case studies using practical fact patterns where we apply these ideas to typical cases.
We cover:
- A recap of Article 8 basics and understanding the legal tests
- Representing complex cases – unmarried partners, non-traditional families and elderly dependent relatives
- Novel legal arguments – getting creative with insurmountable obstacles, unjustifiably harsh consequences and proportionality
- Confronting the new minimum income threshold
- Medical cases – health conditions, mental illness and disability
- Building the evidence – how to present a really robust case via witness statements, expert reports and public domain evidence
- Rebutting typical refusal reasons and arguments
- Country specific strategies
HJT Training
Mark Symes, HJT Director & tenant at Garden Court Chambers & Adam Pipe, No.8 Chambers
£65 + VAT
CPD Points:
Booking contact details:
075 4416 4692
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