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Cameron: government to "get a grip" of judicial reviews


PM says many judical reviews are "completely pointless" and outlines changes to be made: they will cost more, less time to apply and fewer chances to appeal

Date of Publication:
19 November 2012

Prime Minister David Cameron has said in a speech at the CBI conference that the government intends to "get a grip" of the issue of judicial reviews.

You can read the relevant section of Cameron's speech below:

"First, judicial reviews.

This is a massive growth industry in Britain today.

Back in 1998 there were four and a half thousand applications for review and that number almost tripled in a decade.

Of course some are well-founded – as we saw with the West Coast mainline decision.

But let's face it: so many are completely pointless.

Last year, an application was around 5 times more likely to be refused than granted.

We urgently needed to get a grip on this.

So here's what we're going to do.

Reduce the time limit when people can bring cases.

Charge more for reviews – so people think twice about time-wasting.

And instead of giving hopeless cases up to four bites of the cherry to appeal a decision, we will halve that to two."

BBC News has more on what it calls Cameron's proposed "crack down" on "time-wasting" caused by the "massive growth industry" in legal challenges to government policy here.

Justice Secretary Chris Grayling explains more on YouTube: