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Roya Kashefi

Roya Kashefi is the head of  Human Rights Committee of Association des Chercheurs Iraniens (ACI), an international non-profit organisation dedicated to unbiased and objective study of Iranian issues. Roya has presented papers at many international conferences including the United Nations, UK, European and EU Parliaments. Roya has a close working relationship with ethnic and religious groups inside and outside Iran as well as expert knowledge of Iranian political groups and parties.

Roya Kashefi
Senior Researcher and Head of Human Rights Committee – Association des Chercheurs Iraniens (ACI)

Roya Kashefi is the head of Human Rights Committee of Association des Chercheurs Iraniens (ACI), an international non-profit organisation dedicated to unbiased and objective study of Iranian issues. Roya has presented papers at many international conferences including the United Nations, UK, European and EU Parliaments. Roya has a close working relationship with ethnic and religious groups inside and outside Iran as well as expert knowledge of Iranian political groups and parties.

As an independent expert of contemporary Iranian politics and human rights issues, she is regularly invited to comment on international radio and television. In addition, Roya has been involved with and assisted in the production of many television, and radio documentaries on the Islamic Republic of Iran since 1994.

Roya is also a founding member of two non-profit organisations: MDG3 (Millennium Development Goal 3) which is a coalition of several international women’s rights NGOs dedicated to the social and political participation of women and International Coalition Against Violence in Iran (ICAVI) with particular interest in women’s issues.

Roya also has a close working relationship with the UN Committee of the Convention of the Rights of the Child providing updated information to the committee members to assist in their assessment of the situation in Iran. Roya has chaired and presented papers at expert seminars on Public Policy and Child Rights, a joint EU initiative with MENA countries.

Her particular area of interest is minority rights in Iran and current research focuses on two issues firstly, education and job opportunities for women in Iran, and secondly national and international laws and policies affecting the lives of Iran's ethnic and religious groups.

Since year 2000, with her expertise on national Codes and civil and human rights issues concerning Islamic Republic of Iran Roya has regularly provided the English, EU and Canadian Immigration Appeals Courts and Tribunals with expert reports on Iran and issues concerning the Islamic Republic.

Ethnic groups expertise
Iranian Kurds, Baluchis, Arabs, Azeris, Qashqaie (Ghashghaie)
Political groups expertise
Most contemporary ethnic and political groups
Religious groups expertise
Bahá’í, Christianity, Yaresan (ahl-e Haq), Zoroastrianism. Expertise also on apostasy and conversion.
Other social groups expertise
Women – Minors – LGBT
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