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Dr Derya Bayir

Expert on Turkish law, politics and society.

Dr Derya Bayir


PhD in Law at Queen Mary, University of London,

MA, European Master’s Degree in Human Rights and Democratisation

Certificate in Human Rights, University of Nottingham,

Fully qualified lawyer and member of Istanbul Bar Association,

LLB, University of Istaanbul, Turkey.

Expert on Turkish law, politics and society. Practising lawyer since 1998 and litigated under international human rights law in domestic fora and European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.

ECHR litigation:

Urun v. Turkey, Application no. 36618/06, 4 October 2016 (length of proceedings).

Mehmet Nuri Özen v. Turkey, Application no. 15672/08, 11 January 2011 (rights of prisoners to communicate in a language other than the official language).

Esat Bayram v. Turkey, Application no. 75535/01, 26 May 2009 (right to life of a soldier who died during his military service).

Güveç v. Turkey, Application no. 70337/01, 20 January 2009 (rights of a child prisoner to be kept separate from adult prisoners).

Akpolat v. Turkey, Application no. 35561/06, 8 January 2009 (length of proceedings).

Isak Tepe c. Turquie, Application no. 17129/02, 21 October 2008 (freedom of expression).

Kizilyaprak, v. Turkey, Application no. 9844/02, 4 March 2008 (freedom of expression).

Baki Karayigit v. Turkey, Application no. 63181/00, 20 September 2005 (freedom from torture).


Worked as country expert consultant for British lawyers, courts and tribunals about the legal and political system and legal and social culture of Turkey since 2005.


‘Official Islam and Religious Minorities in Turkish law’. Article to be submitted to the Journal of Legal Pluralism (article emerging from my Leverhulme-funded research).

‘Milletler Cemiyetindeki bir Mektubun Hikayesi: Bedirhanilerin Kürt Devleti Rüyası’ [The Story of a Letter to the League of Nations: The Bedirhanis Dream of a Kurdish State]. Kürt Tarihi, (44), 26-39 (2021).

‘Yargıda Çok Dillilik: Uluslararası Standartlar, Modeller ve Türkiye’deki Durum’ [Multilingualism in the Judiciary: International Standards, Models and the Situation in Turkey]. In: B. Bilmez (ed.) Türkiye’de Dil Hakları ve Dilsel Çoğulculuk. Türkiye Kültürleri, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, (2021).

‘Why Autonomy Hasn’t Been Possible for Kurds in Turkey’. In: H. Bozarslan, V. Yadırgı and C. Gunes (eds.), Cambridge History of the Kurds. Cambridge University Press (2021).

‘Democratic Autonomy in the Kurdish Regions of Syria’. In: T. H. Malloy and L. Salat (eds.) Non-Territorial Autonomy and Decentralization: Ethno-Cultural Diversity Governance. Routledge (with Cengiz Gunes, 2020).

‘Özerk Yönetimlerde Yargı: Kürtler İçin Dersler’ [The Judiciary in Autonomy Arrangements: Lessons for the Kurdish Case] ‘The Judiciary in Autonomy Arrangements: Lessons for the Kurdish Case’. In: E. Nimni & E. Aktoprak (eds.): Democratic Representation in Plurinational States: The Kurds in Turkey. Cham: Palgrave (2018), 177-209.

Eşitlik, Ayrımcılık, Irkçılık [Equality, Discrimination, Racisim]. In: Eşit Haklar Derneği (ed.) Uluslararası Ayrımcılık Konferansı [International Discrimination Conference]. İstanbul: Ceylan Matbaası (2018), 71-79.

Turk Hukukunda Azınlıklar ve Milliyetçilik [Minorities and Nationalism in Turkish Law]. İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları (2017), (sole authored book).

‘The Role of the Judicial System in the Politicide of the Kurdish Opposition’. In: C. Gunes & W. Zeydanloglu (eds.) The Kurdish Question in Turkey: New Perspectives on Conflict, Representation and Reconciliation. London: Routledge (2014), 21-46.

‘The Right to Self-Determination and the Turkish Constitutional Court’. Kurdish Studies (2013), 1(1), 5-27. Republished in:

  • In: Skutnabb-Kangas, Tove and Robert Phillipson (eds.) Language Rights. London/New York: Routledge. Series Critical Concepts in Language Studies, (2017), 3, 225-247.
  • In Kurdish under title ‘Tirkiyê, Kurd û Sînorên Zagonî Yên Mafê Destnîşankîrîna Çarenivîsa Xwe’, 115-150 and in Turkish under title: ‘Türkiye, Kürtler ve Kendi Kaderini Tayin Hakkının Yasal Sınırları’. In: İsmail Beşikçi Vakfı Kürtler Çalışmaları Konferansı-II. Istanbul: IBV Publishing, (2017), 331-368 (revised version).

‘Representation of the Kurds by the Turkish judiciary’. Human Rights Quarterly (2013), 35, 116–142.

Minorities and Nationalism in Turkish Law. Abingdon: Routledge (2013, 2016) (sole authored book).

‘The Legal Adaptation of British Settlers in Turkey’. Journal of Transcultural Studies (2012), 1, <; (with Prakash Shah).

Book review of Ostergaard-Nielsen, Eva (2003): Transnational politics: Turks and Kurds in Germany. London and New York: Routledge. In: Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law, (2003), 17(4), 267-270.

‘Devletler Yargılanmaktan Kurtuluyor mu?’ [Are States Being Allowed to Escape Liability?], Toplum ve Hukuk Dergisi, Winter 2002, (with Kerim Yıldız).

‘Serbest Seçim Hakkı” Sakık ve diğerleri v. Turkey kararı’ [The Right of Free Election, Sakık and others v Turkey Decision], Toplum ve Hukuk Dergisi, Autumn 2002 (with Kerim Yıldız).

‘Mahkemenin Geleceği-1’ [The Future of the Court-1], Toplum ve Hukuk Dergisi, Spring 2002 (with Kerim Yıldız).

‘Suçluların İadesi Problemi’ [The Problem of Extradition], Serbesti, Autumn 1998 (with Fatma Karakaş).

Ethnic groups expertise
All ethnic groups in Turkey such as Kurds, Armenians, Greek etc
Political groups expertise
All political groups and parties in Turkey
Religious groups expertise
All religious minorities in Turkey such as Alevi, Ezidi, Christians etc.
Other social groups expertise
Prisoners, Women, Displaced people, LGBT persons, Roma people etc. in Turkey.
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